We offer Sewage Pump Stations & Cess Pit Emptying around London areas
24/7 Emergency Response
Freephone: 0800 587 7553
Jet & Drain offer Septic Tank Cleaning, Pump Station Servicing & Cesspit emptying. We offer all services to Commercial, domestic, and industrial properties. We provide a 24-hour service in and out of hours, seven days a week. If your property or buildings waste goes to the pumping station, cesspit, or Septic tank we would recommend regular service cleaning to remove all residues, waste, solids, and other deposits in which could clog up the system.
The frequency with which you will need to empty your sewage system depends on the size and type of your tank also how maybe estimated people use the waste facilities. We have found many large apartments discharge to lower pumping stations, Rural or remote areas of the country including hotels, pubs, caravan parks, holiday homes and leisure centres discharge via septic tanks and cesspits.
We also service and maintain sewage treatment plants, which are commonly viewed as the environmentally preferred off-mains drainage. Like a septic tank or cesspit, your sewage treatment plant needs regular servicing. As your sewage treatment plant contains mechanical and electronic components, it will also require regular maintenance service intervals.
Sewage pumping stations are prone to build-up several layers of non-biological matter as well as FOG (Fats, Oils and Grease). Floats must be clean and working well to keep the station in good working order Sewage pumping stations if not cleaned over a short time will start to form a build-up of ‘non-biological’ matter which floats and forms a layer on the surface of the sump.
Over time this build-up can disable float-switches operating the level control. This can lead to the station failing and the flooding of land and property. Rag build-up can be drawn into the pumps causing them to block and fail. Again, increasing the chances of flooding. Fat and grease are also a common nasty in stations. Over time this can also build up and cause significant problems.
Our vacuum tankers can remove and dispose of liquid waste quickly, allowing optimum performance from your pump station.
Our Jet and Drain Credentials